Monday, February 3, 2014

Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt!

Who doesn't LOVE a little cookie dough? It's delicious! But, we could all stand to pass on the impending tummy ache and feeling of regret for indulging in the high calorie/low nutrient treat.

But---check this out! Here's a snack that is EQUALLY as delicious---and yet, far more nutritious! With a combination of Greek yogurt and nut butter, this COOKIE DOUGH DELIGHT is packed with protein and won't do any damage to your waistline. Try it!


1 small container of PLAIN Greek Yogurt (I like 0% or 2% fat)
1 Tbs. of PB2 (powdered peanut butter) or a nut butter of your choice
1 tsp. Maple syrup or honey
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
1 Tbs. of Mini chocolate chips

Stir 'em all up and ENJOY!! 

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