Monday, November 18, 2013

A Few Words About Ezekiel….

OK, so what's the deal with Sprouted Grain Breads, like Ezekiel? Why are they better than other breads? And, why does sprouted grain bread need to be kept frozen?

Very simply put, sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel are less processed breads. We know that proper brain function is dependent upon high quality, whole grain carbohydrates---and that these foods are necessary for digestion and overall nutrition. However, some bread/grain choices are better than others.

Sprouted grains of any kind are particularly beneficial to one's diet--because the lack of extensive processing makes the nutrients more readily available. For instance, it has been found that sprouted grains will yield about 10-20 times more nutrients than are found in processed grains. Further, similar to the live cultures in yogurt--sprouted grains promote the growth of "good bacteria" in your gut, which serves to benefit your entire digestive tract--particularly the colon. What is this good? Well, I think we all know the nitty-gritty on why a smooth moving digestive tract is always a plus---but----beyond regularity, sprouted grains are anti-cancer powerhouses!

We know from the latest gluten-free craze that many people are sensitive to wheat. But, in my humble opinion---wheat seems to have a bad reputation that is somewhat undeserving. It is the COOKED, PROCESSED form of wheat that people generally have sensitivities towards---leading to bloating, constipation, discomfort, allergic reactions, congestion, etc. Generally, when wheat is sprouted, it is far simpler to digest and break down into simple sugars.

Something else to consider…..try a little experiment for me. Go to the grocery store's bread aisle. And, pick up any bread that appeals to you. Read the label. What's in it? Can you identify the ingredients? Can you PRONOUNCE the ingredients? How many ingredients are there? Hmmmmm……How long will this bread stay fresh on the shelf? What additives allow this product to sit, unrefrigerated for a week or more--without going bad? Hmmmmm…..

Now, head to the freezer aisle….find some Ezekiel bread or a sprouted grain bread of the like. Read the label. What's in it? Can you identify the ingredients? Can you PRONOUNCE the ingredients? How many ingredients are there? Hmmmmm….
And, why won't this bread last on a shelf? What is it LACKING that prevents it from being able to sit for a week or more on a shelf, without perishing or losing it's nutrient value?

The message is pretty simple. If you can't pronounce it, it's probably not natural. Therefore, not as ideal for nutrition as something that IS in it's natural state. Preservatives are going to serve to deplete nutritional content and power, for the purpose of consumer/household convenience.

It's really about what matters more to you.

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