Saturday, February 15, 2014

No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls

No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein balls (adapted from Chalene Johnson's recipe)


8 Tablespoons PB2 (low fat, high protein powdered peanut butter - details below)
3 Tablespoons Natural Peanut butter (w/flax seeds is the best!)
½ Cup Chocolate Shakeology
3 Tablespoons Honey
½ Cup Quick Oats

 Mix PB2 with water until it’s a paste like consistency. Mix all ingredients, including the PB2 mixture together in a mixing bowl. It make take some time to blend all of the ingredients together. If it's too sticky, sprinkle in additional Shakeology, so that it's a pretty dry/crumbly texture.

Next - Roll mixture into small individual balls (about a ping-pong ball size) and place on a wax sheet. Makes about 12 balls, 1 ounce each. Put in freezer until firm.

NUTRITION: (serving size 1 ball)
 Calories: 80 
 Carbs: 10g
 Fat: 2g

 Protein: 7g 

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